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Darth Vader Mask

The alteration is strong in this one

It's one of the most well-known Mandela Effects - the Star Wars scene in which Darth Vader says "No/Luke, I am your father". It's been discussed at length here and on the internet, yet there is something about this one which is different.

In most of the spoken changed movie lines, such as Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Field of Dreams etc, you can see the actors face. So if the current version actually had changed, it would be a more complicated operation because the face movements would have to be altered to match the audio.

The difference with the "Luke/No" one is that you can't see Darth Vaders face! Another where this happens too, but for a different reason, is ET home phone.

Is this suspicious? It would mean anyone altering the video only had to do the audio... 

Video stays the same

Since Vaders voice was overdubbed anyway, the scope for making changes is much easier when you can't see his face.