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Beatles "Don't Let Me Down."

Speed4Need , March 20 2020, 10:37
Speed4Need 15
March 20 2020, 10:37 #163
Beatles song. I distinctly remember it being, "Don't Bring Me Down." But now on the web, all I can find is, "Don't Let Me Down." Even their own music videos show them singing "Let" instead of "Bring". But I distinctly remember them singing "Bring" when I was a kid. I used to sign along saying "Bring".
Deatheagle 6
June 30 2020, 08:05 #175
its always been don't let me down since i started listening to the beatles in 1995. Shrug?
lawatters 2
August 11 2020, 00:57 #180
Yup, always remembered and sang it as "Don't let me down". I was a pre-teen when they were popular.