Historical Events  People

 Hitler had brown eyes

Hitler had blue eyes

A short man with dark hair and brown or blue eyes?

Hitler regarded the traits of tall height, blond hair and blue eyes to signify a superior class of people - his "master race". Many people pointed out his own shortcomings in all these areas, including his eye color. However, if you research this today you find the official references all say he had blue eyes. Is this a Mass Memory Discrepancy Effect in action?

It's been said the first casualty of war is the truth. Hitler's enemies would do anything to attack him, and propaganda about his person was rife. By saying he had brown eyes, even if they were blue - after all, there wasn't much color TV around in those days to check - would weaken him in the peoples minds by making him seem more of a hypocrite. There's even evidence his mother was half Jewish, which would add weight to this.

Color footage was in its early days during Hitler's time, but so little remains of it with him on that it appears everything we see now has been retouched. And that means his eyes were, too...

Not many color photos

Here's a rare color photo of Hitler:

hitler 700x921