Historical Events  Brands
Scott's Porage

Scott's Porridge Oats

 Scott's Porage Oats

The breakfast of real men

The wholesome oat based meal from Scotland has been eaten since the middle ages, but it was only since 1914 that the distinctive Scott's band was launched, together with the iconic "fine figure of a man" shot putter. This was based on a real person, the legendary Highland Games athlete Jay Scott.

There's a problem, however, with the spelling. Many today are surprised to see the packet spelling it as "Porage", having been sure this must be wrong because they had always known it as "Porridge"

A Google image search will often draw a gasp from those affected, since it clearly shows many instances of it always being spelt "Porage".


To add to the confusion, an image search for Quakers Porridge Oats shows that the Quakers version has always been spelt "Porridge". Many Americans get round the spelling issue by just referring to it as "Oatmeal".

Scott's Adverts

There's an explanation for the word "Porage":

Porage: This is a word made up by A & R Scott in Glasgow when they launched Scott's Porage Oats in 1914, and combined the old Scots word poray with the French word potage.

The TV adverts for Scott's became quite a sensation over time, with lots of humour used to get their always-on macho message across. Anyone realise The Hound from Game of Thrones became so big and strong because of it?

Famous British TV Show

It's been a long time in joke to describe someone going to prison in England as "doing porridge", which was derived from the food traditionally served to prisoners. This was so well known that a BBC show about a prisoner, starring Ronnie Barker, was made in the '70's and is considered one of the classic TV shows of all time. Did they get the name wrong all this time?