Historical Events  Music
Bruce Springsteen

Bandanna in back pocket

Red cap in back pocket

What's in his back pocket?

Rock Icon Bruce Springsteen cemented his place in music, and American, history with his legendary "Born in the U.S.A." album of 1984.

The cover of the album features a shot of him from behind in front of a huge American flag - an image familiar to millions upon millions of people. His biography states the figure is "standing before a U.S. flag wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, with a red bandanna tucked into his back pocket.". The problem is, today it shows a red cap, not a bandanna.

Some people hearing of this rushed to dig out their old CD of this from the 80's, certain it would show the original bandanna, only to find either they were wrong all along and it was a red cap, or somehow it had been changed...

You say Bandana, I say Bandanna

There's no difference between a Bandana and a Bandanna apart from the spelling. There's not even a geographical, cultural or geographic preference to either form which can be identified. 

Even hardcore Springsteen fans swear they certainly did pay attention to the album cover, and swear it has changed somehow, or at the very least they have gained the notorious Mandela Effect dual memory in which both version are remembered, as illogical as it sounds.